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Research and Development :

Having worked as a researcher for may funded projects, I got the opportunity to work with colleagues from many professors and researchers from reputed Universities across the globe and within prestigious institutions from India.

  • Worked as Principle Investigator  AICTE Research Grant, (2017-2020 )`To establish new Technology in Recycled concrete waste, Entrepreneurship and to create research ambiance for masters and Doctoral students of Civil Engineering.

  • Established center of Excellence for Ferrocement Precast structural elements and Construction. Contribution to IS Code Development for Ferrocement Construction.

  • Indian coordinator of `Indo Italian MAE-DST Executive Project of Cooperation-Researcher Exchange Program with Politecnico De Milano` Italy with Department of Building Engineering and Architecture.2012-2016.

  • I have worked on research Project: Structural Design of Pre-loaded Parabolic Dish Antenna, GMRT radio telescope. with NCRA ( National Centre for Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics) Director Dr.Govind Swaroop.

  • I worked on various Biomechanics and Implant Design research projects for Artificial Total HIP Joint Knee Joint, Dental Implant analysis and design. 

  • Blast resistant structural elements, Design and development of  Ferrocement technology. Low-cost Housing using precast Ferrocement structural components.

Academic administration 
  • Dean of Student Affairs MIT World Peace University 2022 till date

  • Professor and Head of  School of Civil Structural Engineering MITWPU, from 2017 -2022 

  • Head Of Department of Structural Engineering and Applied Mechanics.2007-2017

  • Established MIT CAD CAM CAE Training and Design Centre in the year 2000. Responsible as Course Coordinator till 2010.

  • Member of Senate Pune University, Faculty and Board of studies Civil Engineering Pune University.2010-2016

  • Member and Chairman Board of studies MIT world peace University, and other Universities.

  • Member of Board of Management , Academic Council MIT World Peace University. from 2017

  • Master’s Thesis Guided: over 90 in ME/M Tech - Civil structures.5 in MS. Orthodontistry,

  • Ph.D. Thesis guided and awarded :07( Civil Engineering

International Collaborations
  •  Erasmus Plus Student Exchange program.

  • Indo Italian Center of Excellence for Innovative Design and Construction. IDCT, Collaborative venture of MIT, India, Politecnico De Milano, Italy.

  • British Council`s UKIERI `Institutional Capacity Building Project, developed  International Curriculum, in Construction and Built Environment', with Burton and South Derbyshire College UK.

  • Academic collaborations with IMT Mines Albi, Evry  France, University of Plymouth UK, Manchester Metropolitan University UK.

 Academic Awards
  • Pune University `Young Scientist Fellowship 'to present a research paper at the University of Ulm, Germany, and University of Penn State USA.

  • Dr.A.P.J Abdula Kalam Research and Innovation Award 2019

  • Best  Engineering Teacher 08Award 2008.

Research Area
  • Ferrocast -LGS composite Construction. Precast Construction, Affordable Housing Construction technology

  • Structural Analysis and Design, Application of Finite element Method for structural design.

  • Digital Architecture, Structural analysis simulations. Application of Digital Methods in Civil Engineering and Architecture.

  • Biomechanics, Engineering design of implants, prosthesis.

  • Mass customization and Building façade design.

  • Development of Ferro cast structural components for mass and Low-cost housing and Toilet.

  • Structural retrofitting using Composite wrapping systems.


Links: www. Google

Scopus Author ID: 57188550010

ResearcherID: P-1937-2016



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Structural Analysis, Biomechanics, Design of Implant, Sports Biomechanics. Sports equipment design

2004 to 2007

Ph D ,Civil Engineering Pune University

Government College of Engineering Pune

FEM analysis and simulation

Ferrocement Technology for Precast structural elements. low cost , mass customisation in construction

1992 - 1994

ME Civil Structures ,

Government College of Engineering Karad

Shivaji University

Consultant for Analysis and Design of structures, Retrofitting, Rehabilitation , Testing of construction materials and systems.


BE  Civil Engineering

Maharashtra Institute of Technology Pune Pune University.

National Sports achievements: Rowing


 RFI National Rowing Championship Haydrabad: 1986    : Single scull Bronze, Coxed Four Silver 

ARAE Championship Columbo Shrialnka  !985               : Single scull Gold Medal

RFI National championship Pune 1987                             : Single scull Silver Medal

RFI National Rowing Championship Allepy Kerala 1988 : Single scull Gold Medal, Coxed Four Silver.

All India Universities National Championships, Madras Captain Pune University, Single scull Gold Medal.

RFI National Rowing championships Pune 1989               : Single scull Silver.

77th ARAE, Army Rowing Node   Pune 2019                    : Super Masters  Double scull, Silver Medal.                                                                          Single scull Silver.

Noteworthy Mention :

 Committee Member Maharashtra Olympic Association 2012-2018

ASIAD 1987, Rowing Camp participant   Calcutta and Pune 

 Honorary Secretary Maharashtra Rowing association 2011 to 2020.

Honorary Associate Joint Secretary  Rowing Federation of India. 2015-2019.

Maharashtra State Umpire since 2015 , Maharashtra member of Team selectors.

Chairman Women`s Rowing Commission since 2020


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